Saturday, April 5, 2008

April 5th excitement

Well today has definitely been one of those days. We headed to rapid for ice skating this morning at 6:30 am. Made it there managed to buy all our dog food, cat food, few neccessities and a horse tire swing for the kids to play on. Only to get 49 miles from home and blow the back tire on the car passing a semi. Took longer to unload all the great buys of the day than it did for me to change the tire. God love my Daddy he sure had his faults but I am ever so glad he taught me the things he did about cars. As I have probably changed more tires on my vehicles over the years than Mr. Goodyear himself. LOL!! Could have saved some serious money on that tire horse swing had I known we were to soon have a tire we could have made one ourselves with. LOL.

However kids seem to love him. So like all the other things guess we will keep him.

Mikayden tried out for a part in the Missoula childrens theatre play the Pied Piper. She came home as proud as could be she got the part of a RAT in the play. They performed the first part of March. She made an adorable little rat. But behind the scenes or more so in the seats was my little man Cory Mikyle. He was very proud of his sister and really enjoyed seeing the play. However, he had insisted on presenting Mikayden her flowers afterward and I love the pics of my young man waiting on a woman. So here are a few of that day. They made me chuckle as he reminds me so much of his Daddy somedays.

Well I think I am done for the evening. Hope everyone enjoys getting to see the kids in some of their day to day dealings. I hope to slow down enough to get some pics of the house and land and some of the surroundings so everyone can kinda see where we are. But, for now what is at my fingertips is what everyone gets to see.

1 comment:

Angela said...


I did it! I was able to set up our family blog. Go to:
and take a look at it. I'm still learning, but I'll get it. Hopefully I'll have enough time to get on it frequently and keep everyone up to date!
Let me know what you think!